
This feature requires version 1.9 or above.

Please follow this guide to distribute certificates to users. User certificates are possible on computers (macOS) as well as devices (e.g.: iOS, iPadOS). Before deploying the first certificates via Jamf, follow the general steps for Jamf first.

We strongly recommend configuring all use-case relevant certificate payloads (trusted certificate / SCEP certificate) in a single Configuration Profile in Jamf.

Note that the "User and Location" data of your computers or mobile devices need to be properly populated for user certificates to be issued. Especially, the user must have an email address, as this is used as unique identifier.

SCEPman Root Certificate

As first step you need to deploy SCEPman root certificate if you haven't done this already for the target platform. Download this CA certificate via SCEPman dashboard:

Add a new "Mobile Device Configuration Profile" and/or "macOS Configuration Profile", depending on your target platform, and choose "Certificate" as payload. Enter a meaningful name and upload the certificate (for "Select Certificate Option" select "Upload):

User Certificates on Computers

Jamf can only deploy user certificates to MDM-enabled users. There are some provisioning/pre-stage scenarios in which such user accounts are not created. For further information, please refer to the Jamf documentation.

Under Computers -> Configuration Profiles, please add another "macOS Configuration Profile". Under the General Tab, change the Level to "User Level". On the left side, switch to the "SCEP" tab and configure a new SCEP payload. Activate "Use the External Certificate Authority settings to enable Jamf Pro as SCEP proxy for this configuration profile" and enter the following information:




e.g. "User Authentication"

Redistribute Profile

re-deploys profile for renewal

e.g. "14 days"


subject for certificate, additions are possible


Subject Alternative Name Type

RFC 822 Name

Subject Alternative Name Value


Distribute the profile to your users as desired.

User Certificates on Devices

Under Devices -> Configuration Profiles, please add another "Mobile Device Configuration Profile". Keep the level at "Device Level", as User Level currently does not support SCEP. Then, choose "SCEP" as payload On the left side. Activate "Use the External Certificate Authority settings to enable Jamf Pro as SCEP proxy for this configuration profile" and enter the following information:




e.g. "User Authentication"

Redistribute Profile

re-deploys profile for renewal

e.g. "14 days"


subject for certificate, additions are possible


Subject Alternative Name Type

RFC 822 Name

Subject Alternative Name Value


Distribute the profile to your clients as desired.

Last updated