Log Configuration

Applicable to SCEPman Certificate Master version 2.4 and above

Log configuration

Newer SCEPman installations (version 2.4 and later) automatically create a Log Analytics Workspace during deployment and log into Azure Monitor. If you have an older installation, you can follow the steps below to enable this logging feature.

Enable Logging to Azure Monitor

The default retention period for data stored in a Log Analytics Table is 30 days. In case a different retention period is required, adjust the configuration of the Table "SCEPman_CL" accordingly.

  1. Create a Log Analytics workspace (Microsoft Guide Create a Log Analytics workspace). You can also use an existing one.

  2. Add the settings AppConfig:LoggingConfig:WorkspaceId and AppConfig:LoggingConfig:SharedKey described in the section on Logging settings. Do this for each of your SCEPman instances (these are more than one for geo-redundancy or if you have multiple deployment slots) and your Certificate Master App Service.

KQL Query Examples

See Issues with Your SCEPman Instance

| where Level == "Warn" or Level == "Error" or Level == "Fatal"

Number of Issued Certificates by Endpoint in the Selected Time Frame

| where LogCategory_s == "Scepman.Core.CertificationAuthority.KeyVaultCA" and Level == "Info"
| project Message, RequestBase = trim_end('/', replace_string(replace_regex(RequestUrl_s, "(/pkiclient\\.exe)?(\\?operation=PKIOperation(&message=.+)?)?", ""),"certsrv/mscep/mscep.dll","intune"))
| summarize IssuanceCount = count() by Endpoint = extract("/([a-zA-Z]+)$", 1, RequestBase)

OCSP Requests by Type of Certificate

let map_certtype = datatable(serial_start:string, readable:string)
  "40", "Intune Device",
  "50", "Static",
  "60", "Intune User",
  "64", "Jamf User",
  "54", "Jamf Computer",
  "55", "Jamf Computer",
  "44", "Jamf Device"
| where LogCategory_s == "Scepman.Server.Controllers.OcspController" and Level == "Info"
| where Message startswith_cs "OCSP Response"
| project serial = extract("Serial Number ([A-F0-9]+)", 1, Message)
| distinct serial
| extend serial_start = substring(serial,0,2)
| summarize count() by (serial_start)
| join kind=leftouter map_certtype on serial_start

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