
This feature requires version 1.6 or above.

SCEPman can be connected to Mosyle as External CA. Via SCEPman's static interface and a challenge password enrolled devices will be able to obtain certificates.

For more general information about other MDM solutions and SCEPman integration please check here.

Enable Mosyle Integration

Mosyle integration of SCEPman can be easily enabled via the following app configurations:


Enable the 3rd-party validation

true to enable, false to disable

Certificate signing requests sent to SCEPman for signing are authenticated with this secure static password Recommendation: Store this secret in Azure KeyVault.

generate a 32 character password

How many days shall certificates issued via Mosyle be valid


Store requested certificates in the Storage Account, in order to show them in SCEPman Certificate Master

true to enable, false to disable

After adding or editing SCEPman configuration parameters, you need to restart the app service.

Mosyle Configuration

SCEPman Root Certificate

As a first step you must deploy SCEPman's root certificate. Download this CA certificate via SCEPman website:

In Mosyle, navigate to Management and add "Multi-Cert Profile" as a new profile type (if it does not already exist).

Now Add new profile, choose a name for this profile, e.g. SCEPman Root CA, then click on +ADD PROFILE under Profile Name (see screenshot below), and choose "Add Certificate profile" from the shown window. Next, select and upload the SCEPman root certificate you already download, add SCEPman Root CA as Profile Name and Save.

Now you need to assign this profile to your devices/users, then Save

After saving, you can check the compliance status by clicking on view details on the profile

Device Certificate

Add a new profile, add profile name e.g. SCEPman Device Certificate, +ADD PROFILE, now choose SCEP Profile and fill out the values as shown below

Profile Name: choose a name for your profile

Server: choose URL

URL: past your SCEPman URL with /static at the end as shown on the screenshot. You can also copy this value from SCEPman homepage near Static MDM

Subject: It is up to you which variables you choose for the subject, you can choose one or multiple Relative Distinguished Name (RDN). NOTE that RDNs always start with / for example

/CN=%DeviceName% for device name. On our example on the screenshot, we have added 3 RDNs, multiple CNs is also allowed. You can check the variable list by clicking on View available variables above the field.

Subject Alternative Name is optional.

Challenge: add your 32 character challenge password configured in SCEPman configuration, see enable Mosyle integration

Key Size: 2048

Enable the two options "Use for signing" and "Use for encryption", and leave all other settings as default (like shown on the screenshot) then Save

Now you need to assign this profile to your devices/users, then Save.

After saving, you can check the compliance status by clicking on view details on the profile

Last updated